Page 15 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 15
copies we have today. In every corner of the world, people read
the very same Qur'an, which proves that the Qur'an is pre-
served under the special protection of Allah.
Throughout history, Allah communicated His commands,
either through His messengers or His books. The Prophet
Adam (pbuh), the first man Allah created on earth, was as-
signed the same duty by Allah. There subsequently followed
many other messengers and books all throughout world histo-
ry. Allah reveals this fact in the Qur'an:
Mankind was once a single community. Then Allah sent
out prophets bringing good news and giving warning, and
with them He sent down the Book with the truth to decide
between people regarding their differences… (Surat al-
Baqara: 213)
As is also stressed in the above-mentioned verse, Allah
communicates His messages to man through His messengers
and Books. Messengers always warn their people against the
Day of Judgment and an eternal Hell, while they also give them
the good tidings of an eternal bliss-Paradise. Allah, the One
Who created man, is also the One Who surely knows the prop-
er conditions in which man would feel most comfortable in this
world. That is why the lifestyle and moral values Allah de-
mands from His servants shape a comfortable life on earth, as
well as in the hereafter. In brief, by the mercy of Allah, religion
is the system enabling man to attain an ideally structured life,
both psychologically and sociologically.
Although bringing different commandments according to
the different environments and conditions of the time they were
revealed in, Divine religions present to man essentially the same
beliefs and moral examples. All Divine religions convey funda-
mental facts about the existence of Allah. They explain the at-