Page 16 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 16

Allah has granted people countless
        blessings. His sending them mes-
           sengers and books that guided
         them onto the true path is one of
              the blessings of this world.

                     tributes of Allah, the purpose in the creation of man and all oth-
                     er living beings, how to be a decent servant of Allah, the ideal at-
                     titude and behavior praised by Allah, the way to distinguish be-
                     tween right and wrong, good and bad, how to conduct one's life
                     to earn Allah's approval and how to attain Paradise.

                         The truly righteous religion in the Sight of Allah is Islam.
                     The basis of all religions revealed to man since the time of the
                     Prophet Adam (pbuh), is Islam, which means "submission to
                     Allah." This fact is stressed as follows:

                         The religion with Allah is Islam... (Surah Al 'Imran: 19)
                         Muslims and the People of the Book – Christians and Jews
                     – have different religious laws. But true believers, whether
                     Jews or Christians or Muslims, live by the same fundamental
                     values: absolute belief in Allah, living for His approval, mercy

                          THE NIGHTMARE OF DISBELIEF
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