Page 20 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 20

                    WHY IS RELIGION


                             rom the moment of creation, every man is endowed
                             with the faculty of conceiving the existence of Allah
                     F through the use of his conscience and wisdom.
                         It is a clear fact that everything in the universe, down to

                     the slightest detail, is the creation of Allah. Everything sur-
                     rounding us is solid evidence of the existence of Allah. Allah
                     created the birds flying in the sky; the fish in the depths of the
                     ocean; the camels of the desert or the penguins which inhabit
                     the south pole; the bacteria in our body, invisible to the naked
        18           eye, fruits, plants, clouds, planets, and glorious galaxies in the
                     most complete state, and equipped them all with delicate sys-
                     tems and superior characteristics.
                         Similarly, all systems supporting life on earth are based on
                     very delicate balances. Very slight, even millimetric variations
                     or deviations in these balances would render life on earth im-
                     possible. A brief examination of these balances reveals the ex-

                     traordinary calculation and order inherent in them. For in-
                     stance, if the earth revolved at a slower speed around the sun,
                     it would result in huge temperature differences between day
                     and night. A faster speed, on the other hand, would mean the

                          THE NIGHTMARE OF DISBELIEF
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