Page 23 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 23
It is Allah, the Lord of all
It is Allah, the Lord of all
the worlds, Who has creat-
the worlds, Who has creat-
ed the entire universe, na-
ed the entire universe, na-
ture and man. Allah is He
ture and man. Allah is He
Who best knows the needs
Who best knows the needs
of all living things, includ-
of all living things, includ-
ing man. That is why the
ing man. That is why the
lifestyle most suited to man
lifestyle most suited to man
is the religion Allah sent
is the religion Allah sent
down to him. Only by hav-
down to him. Only by hav-
ing a grasp of the religion
ing a grasp of the religion
of Islam can people lead
of Islam can people lead
happy and peaceful lives.
happy and peaceful lives.