Page 27 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 27

differences, this fact holds true for all people. A prestigious ed-
               ucation, an admirable position in business life, high standards
               of living, a happy family and countless similar goals become
               the unchanging pursuits of life.
                    These goals can be further extended and would fill many

               pages if enumerated. However, the truth is, all these people
               turn a blind eye to the one and only reason for their existence.
               Meanwhile, they spend their whole lives, which is a unique op-
               portunity offered to them to accomplish their ultimate purpose,
               in vain. This ultimate purpose is to be a servant of Allah. This
               is explained in the Qur'an as follows:
                    I only created jinn and man to worship Me. (Surat adh-

                    Dhariyat: 56)
                    The way to be a good servant of Allah is also communi-
               cated in the Qur'an. Being a servant of Allah means accepting
               the unity and existence of Allah; knowing His attributes and
               appreciating His majesty, serving no other Deity except Him
               and devoting one's life to earning His approval. In the Qur'an,

               the moral values and lifestyle favored by Allah are described in
               detail and people are summoned to this way of living.
                    A person living within the boundaries set by these values
               is given the good tidings of a perfect life both in this world and
               beyond. Otherwise, a bitter end awaits man.
                    The lifestyle one adheres to in this world shapes his eternal
               life. After death, there is no opportunity whatsoever to compen-
               sate for one's reprehensible deeds. Therefore, behaving with a
               distorted logic as if man owes his existence in this world to coin-

               cidences, as if he is not bounded by any limits, and as if he has
               come to this world solely to spend his life in the pursuit of vain
               desires would ultimately lead to his own ruination. Those behav-

                     HARUN YAHYA (ADNAN OKTAR)
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