Page 28 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 28
ing irresponsibly towards our Creator, ignoring the real purpose
of their existence, and remaining unconcerned about the conse-
quences in the life beyond will be chided thus in the hereafter:
Did you suppose that We created you for amusement and
that you would not return to Us? (Surat al-Mu'minun: 115)
In reality, such people are not unaware of their purpose in
life: Allah proclaimed it through His messengers and books
and provided guidance to the true path. Furthermore, man is
granted a lifetime to take warning. A show of regret by those
who, having turned a deaf ear to all these opportunities, have
deviated from their real purpose in life and pursued their own
desires will not save them from torment:
They will shout out in it: "Our Lord! Take us out! We will
act rightly, differently from the way we used to act!" But He
will answer: "Did We not let you live long enough for any-
one who was going to pay heed to pay heed? And did not
the warner come to you? Have a taste of it then! There is no
helper for the wrongdoers." (Surah Fatir: 37)
Allah Explains How to be a Servant
to Him in the Qur’an
Since man has been created to be a servant to Allah, hu-
man beings are obliged to learn how to worship Him. This is al-
so communicated in the Qur'an:
We have appointed for every nation a rite that they ob-
serve… (Surat al-Hajj: 67)
A detailed account of the type of worship that Allah re-
quires from His servants is provided in the Qur’an. One finds
in the Qur'an all the answers pertaining to the questions fre-