Page 26 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 26

The majority of people are en-
                                           slaved by "unvarying" but utterly dis-
                                             torted philosophies and principles,
                                              that do them no good and which
                                                are mostly based on the following
                                                 line of reasoning: Man comes in-
                                                  to existence, becomes adult,
                                                   grows old and dies. One is
                                                    born only once, and death
                                                     puts an end to everything.

                                                      This is why people have to
                                                       "make the most of life"
                                                       and strive to satisfy their
                                                        whims     and    desires
                                                        throughout their lives.
                                                            Thus, the majority of
                                                       people come to spend
                                                       their lives which they
                                                       think to be their one and
                                                       only opportunity, in ad-
                                                       hering to the life style and
                                                       mode of behavior they in-
                                                       herited from past genera-
                                                       tions. In a spirit totally
                                                       deprived of the aware-
                                                        ness of death, they make
                                                        pursuing pleasures and
                                                         planning for the future

                                                          the ultimate aims of
                                                           their lives. Regardless
                                                            of cultural and social
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