Page 11 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 11

If this is the case, have people succeeded in solving these
               problems, or at the least, have any efforts been made to elimi-
               nate such social diseases from society?
                    People have encountered these problems in all ages, yet
               each time they have failed to find any solutions because the
               methods they employed were inappropriate. They sought var-
               ious solutions, tried different political systems, laid down im-

               practicable and totalitarian rules, stirred up revolutions or sub-
               scribed to perverted ideologies, while many others preferred to
               adopt an indifferent attitude and merely accepted the status
                    In our day, people are almost numbed by this way of liv-
               ing. They readily believe these problems to be "facts of life."
               They picture a society immune to these problems as being
               nothing short of impossible-a dream utopia. They persistently
               and openly express their distaste for such a way of living, yet
               easily embrace it, since they think they have no other alterna-
                    The resolution of all these problematic issues is possible

               only by living by the principles of the "true religion." Only
               when the values of true religion prevail can a pleasant and          9
               tranquil scene replace this gloomy and unfavorable picture,
               which is doomed to continue so long as Allah’s limits are ig-
               nored. To put it another way, people are enslaved by these
               complications as long as they avoid the values of the Qur'an.
               Put simply, this is the "nightmare of disbelief."
                    In this book, you will find how the regulation of life by the
               "norms of morality" introduced in the Qur'an and revealed to

               mankind by Allah will banish the "nightmare of disbelief." The
               questions of how pessimism, corruption and social restlessness
               can be eliminated from society, how the individual can sur-

                     HARUN YAHYA (ADNAN OKTAR)
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