Page 115 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 115

lievers attaining the hereafter, as well as providing them with a
               happy, joyful, blissful life in this world. This is, however, only
               a minor part of the boundless favor-the part one can enjoy in
               this world-Allah promises to those who turn to Him and who
               are willing to be guided by Him. Of course, this does not mean
               that believers never become sick or encounter any difficulties.
               It is simply that, compared to other people, believers are less
               likely to develop diseases, since they never experience stress or
               foul moods.
                    One important point deserves mention here: people cer-

               tainly do not live by religion in order not to suffer from dis-
               eases. Yet, in the general course  of events, putting trust in
               Allah, and complying with the rules He has laid down, leads to
               mental and physical well-being. In other words, the fact that
               believers are healthy people is consequent upon their strong
               faith and firm spiritual foundation.

          Anger and violence, caused by anger, are one of the most significant character-
          istics of irreligious societies. Being arrogant and greedy, these people attempt to
          harm one another even over minor conflicts of interest. Everyone becomes like a
          bomb ready to explode. In a society where people adhere to the moral values of
          the Qur'an, however, none of these miseries exist. Allah describes believers who
          live by these values as follows:
            "… those who give in times of both ease and hardship, those who control
                their rage and pardon other people-Allah loves the good-doers."
                                    (Surah Al 'Imran: 134)
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