Page 110 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 110
rage, remain robust till quite late in life, the aging process tak-
ing longer in their bodies. That is why health magazines and
newspaper columns emphasize that their readers should stay
positive about life as a prescription for a happy life. What they
commonly recommend is to remain calm and optimistic, what-
ever the circumstances may be. However, if one pays due at-
tention, these are all the traits one can in actuality possess,
merely by living by the principles of religion. Without com-
plete adherence to the morality of the Qur'an, people are un-
likely to have complete mastery over their moods.
Stress Is Inevitable When the Values of
Religion Are Disregarded
Stress, an alarmingly widespread ailment, also named the
"universal torment," is traceable to psychological origins. It is a
general state of tension in mind and body caused by fear, inse-
curity, hopelessness, anxiety and feelings like fear of losing
one's job, concerns over health or losing family members.
The body responds to stress by initiating a series of bio-
chemical reactions. The adrenaline level in the blood increases,
accompanied by a peak level of energy consumption and accel-
erated bodily reactions. Meanwhile, sugar, cholesterol and fat-
ty acids are released into the blood stream, blood pressure in-
creases and the heart begins to pound.
Chronic stress does great damage to the body, mainly to
the bodily functions. Due to stress, the levels of cortisone and
adrenaline also increase dramatically. Glucose heading to the
brain leads to a higher level of cholesterol, meaning danger for
the body. Chronic stress leads to heart diseases, hypertension,
ulcers, depression, diseases related to the respiratory system,