Page 108 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 108
fears and loves Him and takes none other as his guardian or
friend. The material and spiritual blessings that come with faith
are Allah’s blessings on the faithful in return for their sincerity.
It is essential to keep this in mind while reading this section of
the book.
In our day, two diseases are associated with the term "the
complaints of our age:" stress and depression. These two are
not only "catch-all" complaints, but are also linked to physical
The most known disorders linked to stress and depression
are of the mental variety: drug addiction and sleeplessness.
Then there are dermatological and abdominal diseases, as well
as disorders related to blood pressure, the kidney and respira-
tory system, allergies, flu, migraine, heart attacks and enlarge-
ment of the brain. Of course, it would be wrong to link the
causes of these diseases to stress and depression alone.
However, a whole body of scientific research proves that they
frequently have their roots in psychological problems.
A life in which religious principles predominate always
involves putting one's trust in Allah and having faith in des-
tiny. Knowing that Allah is the friend of His righteous servants,
the individual is secure in an attitude which is most likely to
please Him and gain His approval. Ultimately, doing the best
one can whatever the circumstances brings the kind of relief
one can enjoy from having acted conscientiously. Encountering
even the worst of all circumstances, the believer acknowledges
this to be a trial devised by Allah and responds and assesses the
situation as instructed by the Qur'an. Never does he fall into
despair or feel frustrated or distressed. The attainment of the
hereafter being the ultimate goal in his mind, what really mat-
ters is to conduct himself in such a way as will earn him the
eternal rewards of the hereafter. Due to his strong faith in