Page 107 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 107

natural phenomena. They start to bear the consequences of
               their preference for disbelief in this world, with even worse to
               come in the hereafter.
                    Believers, however, remain robust, since they stay psy-
               chologically healthy and are not dragged down by feelings of
               sorrow, stress or hopelessness. Putting their trust in Allah, see-
               ing goodness in every incident and the promises and glad tid-
               ings of Allah, all have a positive impact on their physical
               health. This situation applies to people who have a thorough

               appreciation of Allah and who are conscientious in the real
                    Of course, believers also become sick and grow old, yet
               these states do not have psychological causes as they do in the
               case of unbelievers: disease, death and growing old are in-
               evitable for all mankind. Yet the rapid, intense and destructive
               nature of these processes bears a direct relation to the negative
               psychology and attitude a person assumes as a result of the dis-
               believing way of living he adheres to. A person spending his
               entire life in a peaceful state of mind, placing his trust in Allah
               and seeing goodness in every incident will naturally be happy
               and peaceful and thus prevent the detriment that troubles            105
               could otherwise bring to his health.
                    A society where people do not adhere to religious values
               is doomed to remain bereft of the peace and comfort religion

               provides and will encounter the consequent psychological and
               the physical damage. Society abounds in such examples.
                    However, it also needs to be made clear here that one does
               not have faith in order to avoid physical harm or not experi-
               ence psychological troubles. The manifest proofs of the exis-
               tence of Allah are the main reason why rational people of good
               conscience come to believe. The believer is sincerely devoted to
               Allah and lives by the moral values He commands because he

                     HARUN YAHYA (ADNAN OKTAR)
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