Page 109 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 109
Allah, seemingly negative incidents do not distress him nor
drive him into a desperate mood. Consequently, his calm and
positive state of mind builds a strong constitution.
There is basically an unbridgeable gap between living by
the principles of religion and adhering to a non-religious way
of living. It is the main ambition of an unbeliever to "make the
most of living," to maintain his strength and health to enjoy life.
In this sense, he is strongly attached to his body which makes
this ambition possible. This is the most profitable thing to do,
he believes. He is manifestly wrong, however. Not being
bound by the values of the Qur'an draws him towards ruin
rather than leading a charmed life. Prior to the great grief he
will face in the hereafter, he goes into a state of torment in this
life. In this way, the body, nurtured to taste every "joy" in life,
is unexpectedly subjected to irremediable damage.
Both the human mind and body are created by Allah to be
joined together by a religious way of living. They are tuned to
a system in which religious values prevail and are accordingly
equipped with appropriate attributes. Where the body is used
for purposes other than for what it is intended, it is doomed to
corruption and ruin. Indeed, the human mind and body are
meshed together. Being created by Allah, it is essential that
they should be used in compliance with the purpose behind
their creation.
In the previous chapters, we emphasized how the human
soul is vulnerable to great torment in this world whenever one
ignores the principles laid down by Allah. Those who do so al-
so suffer from severe physical harm. The close relationship be-
tween spirit and body manifests itself in an abundance of ex-
amples in society. Joyful and peaceful people, who evaluate
every incident positively and can see goodness in whatever be-
falls them, and who do not display pessimism or express out-