Page 112 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 112
Failure to put one's trust in Allah, feelings of insecurity and fear for the fu-
ture constantly do people physical and spiritual harm. Stress and depres-
sion are the inevitable consequences of that kind of distress-filled life.
● Concern and panic: feeling anxiety about losing control
over the irritations in one's life;
● Sweating: excessive sweating and the frequent need to use
the bathroom;
● Change in voice: stammering, a trembling voice;
● Hyperactive state: sudden explosions of energy, poor dia-
110 betic control;
● Insomnia: nightmares;
● Dermatological diseases: acne, fever, eczema and psoriasis;
● Gastrointestinal symptoms: indigestion, ulcers, nausea;
● Muscle tensions: clamping or chattering teeth, pain in the
jaw, back, neck and shoulders;
● Mild infections: flu, etc.
● Migraine;
● Rapid heartbeat, chest pain, high blood pressure;
● Kidney disorders, water retention in the body;