Page 105 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 105


                   OF DISBELIEF UPON

                     THE HUMAN BODY

                        s well as its many undesirable effects on society, dis-
                        belief is pernicious to the physical and spiritual well-
              A being of individuals. In this section, we will deal with
              this spiritual and physical harm.
                   As mentioned earlier, those who are not bound by the
              morals of Islam live in constant sorrow, trouble and stress. Thus,
              they suffer from many psychological diseases. Their bodies go
              through a rapid process of aging. Their spiritual suffering can al-
              so attack their bodies.
                   These effects turn destructive for even the most healthy,
              young and attractive person. Physical changes-dull hair and eye-
              color, hair loss or baldness- may appear in a young person,
              though a believer of the same age suffers none of these. For psy-
              chological reasons, the skin thickens, becomes hard and loses its
              flexibility in a short time. Soon the skin begins to look unhealthy.
              There is no doubt that not adhering to the recommendations of
              the Qur'an about cleanliness have a great impact on this. These
              are the traits commonly seen in societies where people do not live
              by the morals of Islam and do not adopt the Qur'an as a guide to
              the true path. They are so widespread that they are considered

                     HARUN YAHYA (ADNAN OKTAR)
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