Page 61 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 61
In the Qur'an Allah commands, "Ward off evil
with what is better." Self-control and calm, what-
ever the conditions and circumstances may be,
are attitudes praised by Allah in the Qur'an.
harm. However, in disbelieving societies, an over-cooked
meal, a stained shirt or untimely service at a restaurant may
well become reasons to become involved in a dispute.
Conversely, the members of such societies may simply remain
indifferent towards unjust behavior if its consequences do not
personally affect them negatively.
The Morality of Islam Grants a Balanced
State of Mind
Those who adhere to the values of religion acknowledge
that everything that occurs is under the control of Allah, and
hence they submit themselves to Him. This awareness provides
them with spiritual balance. Good or bad, no incident makes
them lose their control. They do not display sudden reactions.
They are not misled by their emotions and so they conduct