Page 57 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 57
A Muslim is a Muslim's brother; he does not wrong him or
abandon him. If anyone cares for his brother's need, Allah will
care for his need; if anyone removes his brother's anxiety, Allah
will remove from him one of the anxieties of the Day of
Resurrection. (Al-Bukhari, Muslim)
This conception of devotion holds true for business part-
nerships and all other sorts of relations entered into by believ-
ers. Keeping promises and fulfilling contracts are typical traits
of the reliable character of believers. In a society where the val-
ues of the Qur'an do not prevail, it would be unwise to expect
people to keep their promises and be loyal.
One point deserves mention here: someone may claim that
he would never break his promises or demonstrate disloyalty,
despite the fact that he has no faith. It may indeed prove true
that he is never guilty of unscrupulous behavior throughout
People who live by the val-
ues of the Qur'an are very
loyal to one another, for
they believe in the hereafter
which will last for all eterni-
ty. The morality of the
Qur'an is the only solution
to problems of all kinds.