Page 62 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 62
themselves rationally in all circumstances. That is why they are
very trustworthy people. Particularly in times of hardship and
trouble, they take the most sensible precautions and minimize
the possible damage they and the people surrounding them are
likely to suffer. Being instructed in the principles of the Qur'an-
the guide revealed by Allah to humanity-believers reflect
Qur'anic moral conduct in all their behavior and attitudes.
Adhering meticulously to the commands of Allah and having a
deep fear of Allah raise their consciousness and comprehension
to a remarkable level. They are thus endowed with faculties of
thinking and judgment of a kind which lead them to the best
conduct and correct decision-making.
Being endowed with all these faculties, a believer does
not feel panic, sorrow, hopelessness or desperation. Nor does
he become concerned at events which seem to be unfavorable,
but always conducts himself rationally. He resists difficulties
and trouble and never gives up. Even in difficult times, he
speaks most civilly to people and displays patience, which is a
sign of a reliable and mature character. Having an inner faith in
the fact that everything takes place under the control of Allah,
60 a believer always keeps in mind the following verse:
Nothing occurs, either in the earth or in yourselves, without
its being in a Book before We make it happen. That is
something easy for Allah. That is so that you will not be
grieved about the things that pass you by or exult about the
things that come to you. Allah does not love any vain or
boastful man. (Surat al-Hadid: 22-23)
Failing to grasp these facts, however, those who do not
live by the values of religion always feel concern, fear, restless-
ness and suffer distress. Stress makes them mentally and emo-
tionally unstable. For someone looking from the outside, their