Page 67 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 67
flagging willingness to feel
closer to Allah. This is related
in the following verses: ... Allah sent down
… There are men who pro- serenity to His Messenger
claim His glory morning and to the believers, and
and evening, not distract- bound them to the
ed by trade or commerce expression of heedfulness
from the remembrance of which they had most
Allah and the offering of right to and were most
prayers and paying to the
entitled to. Allah has
poor their due; fearing a
knowledge of all things.
day when all hearts and
(Surat al-Fath: 26)
eyes will be in turmoil,
hoping that Allah will re-
ward them for the best of
what they did and give
them more from His unbounded favor. Allah provides for
anyone He wills without reckoning. (Surat an-Nur: 36-38)
Islamic Morals Remove Selfishness
It is not surprising that those who do not adhere to reli-
gious principles think only of themselves. This is, in fact, a
philosophical prerequisite of the system in which they live.
Willingness to make sacrifices, compassion and good morals
are values introduced by religion, and only religion ensures
that one will cherish them. Only those who believe in Allah and
the life beyond and those who are aware of the fact that they
will be held to account in the hereafter can display moral per-
fection as described in the Qur'an. That is why, for an unbe-
liever, it is impossible that he will display such a noble charac-