Page 69 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 69

By and large, selfish
               people insist on the cor-
               rectness of their own con-
                                               … those who give in
               victions, even in trivial
                                                times of both ease
               matters.  What    others
                                               and hardship, those
               need or want means
                                                who control their
               hardly anything to them.
                                              rage and pardon oth-
               If a selfish person is ex-
                                              er people-Allah loves
               hausted, for instance, he
               wants to sit down as soon         the good-doers.

               as possible and never            (Surah Al 'Imran:
               thinks of an elderly or a              134)
               sick person next to him
               who also needs a rest.
               Despite the existence of others, he is sure to take the best of
               everything for himself. Causing others discomfort for the sake
               of his own comfort never disturbs him. He demands peace
               while he works, but fails to show respect for others while they
               work. His selfishness manifests itself in various ways, both in
               his family and business lives.
                    In disbelieving societies too, there may be some people
               who are known for their good character. They may be very
               generous to the people surrounding them, for instance.
               However, the main reason why they do good is not actually to
               earn Allah's approval, but merely to be reputed to be virtuous.
               Being praised, appreciated and having a "good" reputation
               among people, for instance, are what they actually aim for.
               Besides, the contribution these people make to the poor is most

               of the time insignificant as compared to their income.
                    Idealists may also have the desire to assume responsibili-
               ty or leadership. Their aim again is not to earn Allah's approval

                     HARUN YAHYA (ADNAN OKTAR)
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