Page 72 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 72

With this greed comes a basically distorted philosophy of
                     life; these people see others not as beings whom Allah created
                     and endowed with a soul, but as ordinary creatures who
                     evolved from supposedly ape-like ancestors and who will ulti-
                     mately be reduced to insignificance under the soil. These errors
                     lead them to become people who, since “they will only be com-
                     ing here once,” want the most of everything and who have no

                     other aim than the unrestrained satisfaction of their earthly de-
                     sires. According to this perverted notion, it is nonsense to help
                     others and fulfill their wishes and desires. Surely this flawed
                     outlook causes man to drift into a mood of depression.
                         Such a mood may seem quite typical and inevitable to
                     someone who is unaware of the morality of religion. However,
                     the fact is that it leads man into a difficult and stressful life,
                     which is detrimental to the human soul. That is why unbeliev-
                     ers never find real peace and happiness. Despite being legiti-
                     mate, the wishes and desires of man have no end, since man is
                     created to be a part of the eternal life in the hereafter. This life,
                     however, is merely a place of trial specifically created to be so

                     flawed and inadequate as never to satisfy man's whims and de-
        70           sires. Those failing to grasp this essential secret of the test, due
                     to their unawareness of the values of religion, strive to fulfill
                     their desires in this world and hence continually feel dis-
                     pleased and unsatisfied. Never attaining real contentment,
                     their lives turn into a nightmare. In a state of prosperity, they
                     nevertheless suffer poverty. Failing to take pleasure in what
                     they already possess, they give themselves over to the sorrow
                     of not possessing whatever remains. This spiritual torture is, in

                     a way, only the beginning of an eternal torment.
                         Religion commands man to share. Believers are brothers
                     and sisters (Surat at-Tawba: 71), and seeing one's brother hav-

                          THE NIGHTMARE OF DISBELIEF
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