Page 76 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 76
In accordance with the commandments of Allah, The
Prophet Muhammad (saas) also advised the believers to avoid
jealousy: "Avoid envy, for envy devours good deeds just as fire de-
vours fuel." (Abu Dawud)
Islamic Morals Ensure the Prevalence of
Love and Respect among People
The religion of truth is founded on the basis of good
morals and love. In the Qur'an, Allah calls man to love and sac-
rifice. Allah is The Merciful to His servants. The love of Allah
to His servants is related in the Qur'an thus:
He is the Ever-Forgiving, the All-Loving. (Surat al-Buruj:
Allah demands that man reflect this love to others. Thus
believers show deep respect and love for each other. That they
will earn the approval of Allah by doing so is another factor en-
couraging this love and respect. Besides, believers know that a
being Allah created and gave a soul and faith to, is precious.
74 The fact that the world is a place for man to be tested leads be-
lievers to behave well to others, as they know that they will be
rewarded for their good deeds in the hereafter. The intense fear
of Allah in their hearts motivates them to do their best towards
other people in every action they carry out. They see the reflec-
tions of Allah's beauty in every being they look at, which
makes them full of love. Furthermore, knowing that the life be-
yond awaits all believers and that they will all be together in
the hereafter make this love and respect rest on a stronger and
more rooted basis.
Thus a warm and peaceful life is the lot of those who