Page 71 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 71
Islamic Morals Hinder Worldly Ambitions
Only religion teaches the
concepts of love, brotherhood
and sharing, in the real sense,
and it is again only religion that
can perpetuate these concepts.
This is due to the fact that the
soul of man is prone to worldly
greed and selfish desires. Since
they do not make the hereafter
their goal, people who are
strangers to the values of reli-
gion endeavor to satisfy their
unending ambitions all
throughout their lives. Allah
depicts such a man in the fol-
lowing verse:
Him to whom I have given great wealth and sons who stay
with him, and whose way I have smoothed: yet he wants
Me to add yet more! (Surat al-Muddaththir: 12-15)
In an environment where people do not live by the princi-
ples of religion, peoples' ambition becomes merely to have
more possessions and money. Fierce competition always exists
among the members of such society, whose members want to
be the wealthiest, the most successful, the most beautiful, the
most beloved or the most popular. They simply cannot stand
others possessing good and beautiful things. Furthermore, they
envy others, and aim to possess what they have. Even seeing
others lose their possessions makes them happy.