Page 55 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 55
People who live ostenta-
tious lives but are then
abandoned to loneliness
in their old age are proofs
of the lack of loyalty in
irreligious societies.
moral qualities. That is why only good character matters. Allah
demands that His servants be faithful to one another and, ac-
cordingly, this is what believers derive pleasure from.
When Islamic morals prevail, the best examples of loyalty
and faithfulness are witnessed. Children cherish their parents.
No matter how old they are, parents, artists, scholars and peo-
ple who served their countries are all held dear. Young people
do not leave elderly relatives alone in their old age. They visit
them frequently and do their best to help them. In such a soci-
ety, friendships last for a lifetime. More than friends, people be-
come like brothers and sisters. Moreover, in times of sickness,