Page 50 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 50
Under the headlines, "A World War on Bribery" and "War Against Sleaze," Time
magazine gave extended coverage to bribery scandals in all parts of the world.
Such scandals have erupted everywhere, from Colombia to India, France to
North Korea, and Japan to Spain. The only solution to these problems, the
fundamental cause of which is unbelief, is living by the values of the Qur'an.
At this point, a disbelieving person may say: "I do not
48 have faith in Allah, but neither do I cheat." Indeed, it is quite
possible that this person did not cheat throughout his life be-
cause of his principles. However, under certain undesirable cir-
cumstances, he may not be able to resist temptation and will
then cheat other people. For instance, he may be in desperate
need of money, or he may be in an environment where cheat-
ing is considered acceptable. Various other circumstances may
lay the appropriate "groundwork" for cheating and thus lead
that person into sin.
However, religion strictly prohibits appropriating other
people's property. A person who lives by the principles of reli-