Page 48 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 48

Q. "You say that murders always attract your attention. In
                     that case, would you like to commit a murder one day?"
                         A. "… There have been many times I wanted to commit a
                     murder. However, I did not have anybody particular in my
                     mind. I may simply want to kill eight or nine people in a day.
                     Man's soul is prone to such violence. And I feel this deep in-
                     side. Yet, a concrete murder does not sound so good; after all,

                     there are the blood, the dead, sirens, the police… all that kind
                     of stuff… Despite all that, however, murders always tempt
                         Q. "What kind of a murder would you like to commit?"
                         A. "I would absolutely prefer using guns. Poison does not
                     create the terror a murder is associated with, it is too stealthy."
                         To one's surprise, the interviewee, who is known in his so-
                     ciety as an enlightened person, harbors such terrorist feelings
                     and, without hesitation, gives expression to them. This surely
                     gives a clear picture of the general mentality of a society pay-
                     ing no heed to the values of religion. This example shows how
                     terrifying is the nature of people who have no faith in, or fear
                     of, Allah. The commandment of the Qur'an regarding murder,

        46           which disbelieving people so easily commit, is the following:
                         So We decreed for the tribe of Israel that if someone kills
                         another person—unless it is in retaliation for the murder of
                         someone else or for causing corruption in the land—he
                         shall be looked upon as if he had murdered all mankind.
                         (Surat al-Ma'ida: 32)
                         The example given in the above verse in which Allah says
                     that killing a single person is like killing all mankind, is very

                     important. In another verse, it is also stated that those who
                     commit murder will be punished with eternal torment in Hell.
                     (Surat an-Nisa': 93) In this case, a person who fears Allah

                          THE NIGHTMARE OF DISBELIEF
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