Page 53 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 53

Society abounds in examples. People lose interest in some-
               one who retires from a respectable position, the celebrity who
               no longer attracts people's attention, and the wealthy man who
               goes bankrupt. Similarly, one afflicted by a deadly disease bit-
               terly feels the loss of his friends as they desert him. In newspa-
               pers, it is possible to read about examples of unfaithfulness
               every day. For instance, in business life, partners cheat one an-
               other. In such interest-ridden relations it is possible to witness
               all sorts of immoral behavior, since money is of the greatest sig-

               nificance in daily life.
                    Friendship is another social phenomenon where infidelity
               is commonly experienced. In disbelieving societies, people
               tend to leave even their closest friends once they believe an-
               other friendship would prove more fruitful. Many people sure-
               ly have suffered the loss of friends for similar reasons. The
               same is also true of marriages. Couples separate and go off
               with other people or deceive one another for trivial reasons.
               They are able to act this irresponsibly because, according to
               their flawed rationale, the wicked deeds they commit will re-
               main hidden, since nobody witnesses them. Therefore there is
               nothing to hinder them. In brief, in most relationships in disbe-    51
               lieving societies there is disloyalty and infidelity, which make
               people develop a cautious approach to one another.
                    The distorted rationale of disbelieving societies is not lim-
               ited only to these examples. People renowned for their fame or

               beauty, enjoying the love of thousands of fans, dramatically
               lose this love and remain all alone when they grow old and lose
               their charm. In most cases, they await death in poverty and
               loneliness. All of a sudden, the fans, friends and press sur-
               rounding them simply disappear. This is a bitter yet unchang-
               ing facet of the type of life they lead…

                     HARUN YAHYA (ADNAN OKTAR)
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