Page 54 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 54
The unscientific and irrational belief governing the lives of
people who have no faith in Allah maintains that man evolved
from alleged ape-like creatures as a result of a random process.
That is why one's physical appearance and prosperity are the
principal values that make one distinguished in society. Once
these values disappear all credit in the eyes of others disap-
pears as well. Surely, this deviant philosophy should ultimate-
ly forbid the attaching of any importance and value to a being
who evolved from an ape-like creature; the focus of attention is
given to the money and fame that one possesses. Younger,
more beautiful and popular people replace the aged, and soci-
ety sets the latter aside since it no longer needs them. The rest
of society is also made up of people who assume they are de-
scended from apes and will end up as dust. Since their philos-
ophy does not demand values like fidelity, people leave their
elderly parents to the care of institutions, forgetting that, at one
time, it was these elderly people who brought them up. Worse
yet, the elderly are often treated badly in many of these homes.
It is evident that a heart deprived of religious values can
make a man assume an uncaring or violent attitude even to-
52 wards his own parents. Infidelity permeates all sorts of human
relations. This social problem which injects trouble and pain in-
to the human soul can be solved only by observing the values
of religion. When people adhere to the principles of Islam, they
no longer see one another as worthless. An individual's marks
of distinction are surely neither his good looks nor his posses-
sions, nor his status. His fear of Allah and the moral perfection
he displays are what make him precious. The body is but a tem-
porary favor given to man. Man is here in this world to be test-
ed. He will live a short life, then go to the eternal abode of the
hereafter. In the hereafter, he will be judged according to his