Page 52 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 52

measures, a situation which causes more dramatic problems in
                     the course of time.
                         However, in an environment where Qur'anic principles
                     are adhered to, such problems never appear, since Allah com-
                     mands believers to give tasks and responsibilities to those peo-
                     ple who possess the skills and knowledge the particular tasks

                         Allah commands you to render back your trusts to those to
                         whom they are due and, when you judge between people, to
                         judge with justice. How excellent is what Allah exhorts you
                         to do! Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing. (Surat an-Nisa': 58)
                         One who has faith in Allah and lives by the principles of
                     religion is mindful of the commandments of Allah. Therefore,

                     a society of faithful people, is made up of "those who honor
                     their trusts and contracts; those who stand by their testimo-
                     ny." (Surat al-Ma'arij: 32-33) Thus, everyone carries out his re-
                     sponsibilities to the best of his capabilities.

                         The Morals of Islam Rid Mankind of

        50               Infidelity and Disloyalty

                         Religion teaches man the concepts of reliability and fideli-
                     ty. It would be quite wrong to expect these concepts to endure
                     in a society where the values of the Qur'an do not prevail, since
                     the individual remains faithful to others in all circumstances-in
                     times of difficulty and trouble as well as good times-solely

                     when he endeavors to earn Allah's approval. Otherwise, if one
                     thinks that one will not have to give account for his deeds, or
                     be punished for one's wicked acts, one would simply be driven
                     by one's own interests and become a wholly selfish creature.

                          THE NIGHTMARE OF DISBELIEF
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