Page 15 - Deep Thinking
P. 15


                      ost people believe that in order to think deeply, one needs to
                      put one's head between one's hands, withdraw to an empty
                      room, and isolate oneself from all other people and affairs.
             Indeed, they make such a big issue of thinking deeply that they find it too
             difficult, and imagine that it is a quality exclusive to philosophers.
                 However, Allah invites people to reflect and says that He has revealed
             the Qur'an for people to reflect on it: "It is a book We have sent down to
             you, full of blessing, so let people of intelligence ponder its signs and take
             heed." (Surah Sad: 29). What is important is one's sincerely improving
             one's ability to think and going deeper in thinking.
                 On the other hand, people who do not spend effort to that end con-
             tinue their lives in deep heedlessness. The word heedlessness has conno-
             tations like neglectfulness without forgetting, abandoning, being mistaken,
             disregarding, being careless. The heedless state of those who do not reflect
             is a consequence of forgetting or deliberately disregarding the purpose of
             their creation and of the realities which religion teaches. Yet, this is an
             extremely dangerous course that may lead to Hell. Correspondingly, Allah
             has warned people against being among the heedless:
                 Remember your Lord in yourself humbly and fearfully, without
                 loudness of voice, morning and evening. Do not be of the heed-
                 less ones. (Surat al-A'raf: 205)
                 Warn them of the day of bitter regret when the affair will be
                 resolved. But they take no notice and they do not believe.
                 (Surah Maryam: 39)

                 In the Qur'an, Allah refers to people who reflect and who, after
             reflecting conscientiously, see the truth and therefore fear Him. Allah says
             that those who blindly follow the superstitious beliefs and thoughts of their
             forefathers without thinking, are wrong. When asked, these people say that
             they believe in Allah. Yet, since they do not think as is due, they do not
             amend their conduct from fear of Allah. In the following verses, the men-
             tality of these people is clearly laid out:
                 Say: "To whom does the earth belong, and everyone in it, if you
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