Page 16 - Deep Thinking
P. 16

14                        DEEP THINKING

                   have any knowledge?"
                   They will say: "To Allah." Say: "So will you not pay heed?"
                   Say: "Who is the Lord of the Seven Heavens and the Lord of the
                   Mighty Throne?"
                   They will say: "Allah." Say: "So will you not have taqwa*?"
                   Say: "In whose hand is the dominion over everything, He who
                   gives protection and from whom no protection can be given, if
                   you have any knowledge?"
                   They will say: "Allah's." Say: "So how have you been bewitched?"
                   The fact is that We have given them the truth and they are liars.
                   (Surat al-Muminun: 84-90)

                   Thinking Removes the Spell on People
                   In the above verse, Allah asks people, "So how have you been
              bewitched?" The word "bewitched" in the verse implies a state of mental
              numbness that takes control of people as a whole. An unthinking person's
              mind is benumbed, his sight becomes fuzzy, he acts as if he does not see
              the facts before his eyes, and his faculty of judgement weakens. He
              becomes incapable of grasping even a plain truth. He cannot be fully con-
              scious of extraordinary events taking place right before him. He does not
              notice the intricate details of events. The reason for people's leading heed-
              less lives for thousands of years and their staying away from deep thought
              as a whole, as if it is merely a cultural heritage, is actually this mental
                   We can explain one of the outcomes of this collective spell with an
                   Beneath the earth's surface lies a boiling stratum or layer called magma.
              The crust of the earth is very thin, which implies that this blaze is very close
              to us, almost under our feet. In order to have a better understanding of how
              thin the earth's crust is we can make a comparison: the thickness of the

                   * Taqwa: Awe or fear of Allah, which inspires a person to be on guard against wrong
                   action and eager for actions which please Him.
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