Page 21 - Deep Thinking
P. 21
Deep Thinking 19
One can Think at Anytime and Anywhere
There is no time, place or condition necessary for thought. Anyone
may think while walking on the street, going to the office, driving a car,
working at the computer, attending a friend's gathering or having lunch.
While driving a car, for example, it is possible to see hundreds of peo-
ple outdoors. He who looks at these people can think about many differ-
ent things. It may come to his mind that the physical appearances of these
hundreds of people are completely different. None of these people look
like one another. It is astonishing that, although these people share basi-
cally similar features such as eyes, eyebrows, eyelashes, hands, arms, legs,
mouths and noses, they all look so different from one another. Thinking a
little further, one remembers the following:
Allah has created billions of people over thousands of years all dif-
ferent from one another. This certainly is a piece of evidence of Allah’s
obvious existence and marvelous creation.
The person watching all these people rushing may be occupied by
many different thoughts. At first
glance, each one of these people
seems like a distinct individual.
Every self will taste
Every one of them has his own
death. You will be
world, wishes, plans, ways of liv-
paid your wages in
ing, topics that make him happy or
full on the Day of
unhappy, and tastes. Yet these dif-
Rising. Anyone who
ferences are misleading. In general,
is distanced from the
every human being is born, grows
Fire and admitted to
up, goes to school, looks for a job,
the Garden has
works, marries, has children, sends
triumphed. The life
the children to school, marries them
of this world is just
off, ages, becomes a grandmother
the enjoyment of
or grandfather and finally passes
away. From this point of view,
(Surah Al ‘Imran: 185)
there are no big differences
between people's lives. Whether