Page 41 - Deep Thinking
P. 41
Those Things that Need to be Thought About 39
opportunity to achieve more for the Hereafter.
Therefore, the best attitude to take is that we will spend our day in
such a way as to please Allah. Man should, prior to everything else, make
plans for this and keep his mind occupied with thoughts along these lines.
One of the most important ways of pleasing Allah is to ask Him for help
about this matter. The prayer of the Prophet Sulayman (as), peace be upon
him, sets a good example for the believers:
…My Lord, keep me thankful for the blessing You have
bestowed on me and on my parents, and keep me acting right-
ly, pleasing You, and admit me, by Your mercy, among Your
righteous servants. (Surat an-Naml: 19)
What Our Weaknesses Make Us Think
Realising our incapacities as soon as we get out of bed, we start to
think. Every morning we have to wash our faces and brush our teeth.
Seeing these, we start to think of our other weaknesses. For instance, that
we have to take a bath every day, that there is
only a thin layer of skin holding our bodies
together, that our bodies are vulnerable to infec-
tions, and cannot stand sleeplessness, hunger
and thirst. These are all signs of our weakness.
If the person looking in the mirror in the
morning is aged, some other thoughts may come
to mind. The first signs of ageing start to appear
on the face after the first two decades of life. In
the thirties, wrinkles begin to appear beneath
the eyes and around the mouth; the skin is no
longer as ruddy as it used to be, and deteri-
It is Allah Who created you oration can be observed over a great part of
from a weak beginning then the body. With age, the hair turns white and
after weakness gave you even the hands age.
strength then after strength For someone who thinks about these
ordained weakness and grey things, old age is one of the most powerful
hair. He creates whatever He
wills. He is All-Knowing, All-
Powerful. (Surat ar-Rum: 19)