Page 42 - Deep Thinking
P. 42

40                        DEEP THINKING

              events displaying the temporary nature of the life of this world and it holds
              one back from being attached greedily to this world. Someone who starts
              to grow old understands that a countdown has started in his life in this
              world. In truth, that which ages and for which the countdown is now
              underway is the body. The body gradually declines but the soul does not
              grow old. Most people are strongly influenced by the outward appearance
              of a person – whether they are perceived to be attractive or otherwise.
              Perhaps a person with outward beauty is more confident and arrogant than
              someone who feels that they are unattractive. Ageing shows how tempo-
              rary the outward façade of the body is, that the only thing that is accept-
              able before Allah and the only things of benefit to fellow man are right
              actions, good qualities of character along with commitment to Allah.
                   Each time we face our weaknesses, we realize that the only being that
              is Perfect and High Exalted above imperfections is Allah, and then we glo-
              rify the greatness of Allah. Allah has created every weakness man pos-
              sesses with a purpose. Some of these purposes are to help people not be
              attached to the life of this world and not go astray with their possessions.
              Someone who grasps these by thinking, wants Allah to recreate him free
              from all these weaknesses in the Hereafter.
                   Our weaknesses remind us of another very important point. While a
              flower that grows from the soil of the earth smells and looks perfectly
              clean, we must take care of our bodies on a very regular basis, otherwise
              we begin to smell. This is something that arrogant and conceited people
              in particular have to think about and from which they should take warn-

                                         What Some Features of the Human
                                         Body Make One Think About
                                         Looking at the mirror in the morning, we
                                    may think about many things we have not thought
                                    about before. For example, our eyelashes, eye-
                                    brows, bones and teeth stop growing when they
                                    reach a certain length. If they grew more than this

       A rose growing out of muddy,  certain length then it would be painful and
       black soil smells perfectly clean.
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