Page 43 - Deep Thinking
P. 43

Those Things that Need to be Thought About

             unsightly for us. There is perfect harmony and proportion in the
             growth of bones. For example the bones of the upper human
             limbs do not grow unnecessarily long leaving the body out of
             proportion. Their growth comes to a halt just in time as if each
             bone knows how long it should grow. On the other hand,
             our hair and nails continue to grow and this too has its pur-
                 Certainly, the things mentioned here come about as a
             result of certain physical reactions that take place in the
             body. Yet someone who reflects also wonders: how do
             these reactions take place? Who placed just as much as is
             necessary of hormones and enzymes in the body thus
             determining the growth of everything? And who con-
             trols the amounts and secretions of these?
                 Doubtless, it is impossible to claim that all these
             have come into being by coincidence. It is impossi-
             ble for the cells constituting man or the unconscious
             atoms constituting cells to take such decisions. It is
             evident that each one of these is the art of Allah
             Who creates us in the best form.

                 On the way…
                 After waking up and getting ready in
             the morning, most people set out on the
             way to their offices, schools or to do
             some other worldly work. For a
             believer this short trip is the begin-
             ning of doing good deeds that
             will please Allah. As we leave
             home and go outside, we
             readily come across
             many subjects on
             which we                                                         There are
                                                                              many things
             ought to
                                                                              on which to
                                                                              reflect in what
                                                                              we see on the
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