Page 54 - Deep Thinking
P. 54
Another example we see in the Qur'an about this subject is that of the
Prophets Ibrahim and Isma'il, peace be upon them. Allah says that these
prophets thought of good things for other believers while working togeth-
er, and they turned towards Him and prayed to Him about their work:
And when Ibrahim built the foundations of the House with
Isma'il: "Our Lord, accept this from us! You are the All-Hearing,
the All-Knowing. Our Lord, make us both Muslims submitted to
You, and our descendants a Muslim community submitted to
You. Show us our rites of worship and turn towards us. You are
the Ever-Returning, the Most Merciful. Our Lord, raise up
among them a Messenger from them to recite Your Signs to
them and teach them the Book and Wisdom and purify them.
You are Almighty, the All-Wise." (Surat al-Baqara: 127-129)
What A Cobweb Makes One Think
There are many things for someone who spends his day at home to
think about. For example, while doing cleaning, he might see a spider that
has woven its web in a corner of the house. If he realizes that he ought to
think about this creature which is normally of no importance to anyone,
he will see new doors being opened for him. This tiny insect he sees
before him is a miracle of Allah's supreme creation. There is perfect sym-
metry in the web the spider has woven. Furthermore, the
spider weaves this web in a very high
speed, and while doing this,
does not, even for once go back
and check whether it is symmet-
rical or not. But it sets off a struc-
ture with a perfect composition.
If, a person wonders how a tiny
spider could achieve such an
astonishingly perfect symmetry
and does a quick research he will
encounter some rather extraordi-
There are many things in the perfect
design of the web produced by a tiny
insect on which to think.