Page 56 - Deep Thinking
P. 56
Taking into account the direction and speed of the wind, it can fly in any
direction without being diverted. Even with our current technology, man
is very far from producing a device with these extraordinary features and
techniques of flight. Yet such an insignificant living being, which man usu-
ally brushes aside and pays no attention to, achieves something remark-
able that man so far has been unable to achieve. Clearly, it is impossible
to claim that a fly does this by merit of its own abilities and intelligence.
Allah has given the fly all its outstanding characteristics and abilities.
There is both visible and invisible life everywhere around us we casu-
ally glance. There is not even a square centimeter on the earth where life
does not exist. Humans, plants, and animals are creatures that man is able
to see, yet there are also creatures that man cannot see but of whose exis-
tence he is aware. The houses we live in, for example, are full of micro-
scopic creatures called mites. Similarly, in the air we breathe are countless
viruses. The number of bacteria living in the soil of our gardens is aston-
ishingly high.
The person who reflects on the incredibly diverse life on earth also
That bees produce honey as
a cure for human illness, is a
subject on which we need to