Page 59 - Deep Thinking
P. 59

Those Things that Need to be Thought About            57

             by them but keeps on behaving in the manner commanded by Allah. He
             knows that the reason for the bad character traits of these people is their
             lack of fear of Allah and their disbelief in the Hereafter, and the following
             thoughts flow through his mind: Allah warns people about the agony of
             Hell and asks them to think of the endless torment and amend their con-
             duct in the life of this world, turn humbly towards Allah and live sincere-
             ly by the religion (deen). If one realizes that he is face to face with such a
             serious threat, he will certainly take precautions to avoid it. Yet, those who
             do not think about it and therefore do not comprehend its seriousness, act
             as if there is no place of fire and torment being prepared for them.
                 Someone who is aware of these facts, remembers some other very
             important matters. While waiting at the edge of the fire of Hell, the atti-
             tudes of each one of these people will be completely different. If some-
             one, who does not hesitate to display spoiled, impudent and arrogant man-
             ners today, lacking all belief in Allah, is arrested on the Day of Reckoning
             and brought before the pit of Hell dragged on the ground and subjected
             to constant degradation, then the expression on his face, his attitude, the
             way he speaks or the words he uses will not be as they used to be.
                 If an aggressive  disrespectful person inclined to  commit crimes,
             stripped from any human aspect, is brought to the edge of the fire of Hell,
             he will feel eternal regret when he sees the
             punishment of Hell.
                                                            Those who took
                 Someone who makes all kinds of excus-
                                                           their religion as a
             es for not living by the religious morality and
                                                             diversion and a
             not worshipping Allah in the life of this
                                                             game, and were
             world, will not be able to make the same
                                                           deluded by the life
             excuses waiting in front of the gate of Hell.
                                                          of the world. Today
             At that time, prostration will no longer be
                                                          We will forget them
             possible even though the disbeliever wants
                                                           just as they forgot
             to perform it, and prayer will no longer be
                                                            the encounter of
             answered even though the disbeliever prays
                                                          this Day and denied
                                                            Our Signs. (Surat
                 Someone who fears Allah never forgets
                                                               al-A‘raf: 51)
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