Page 13 - The Miracle Of Talking Birds
P. 13

efore examining the perfection of the systems that
                           allow birds to talk, first it’s worth dwelling on the
                  B B invalid assumption of “coincidence,” the founda-

                  tion of all the hypotheses in evolutionary theory. Doing so
                  will make it easier to see through the highly illogical claim
                  that the remarkable characteristics of the creatures cited in
                  this book are simply the product of coincidences.
                      The noun coincidence is typically modified by such ad-
                  jectives as unconscious, disorderly, unplanned and random.
                  These words imply no conscious power, system, rationality,
                  nor any source of knowledge. They express the occurrence of

                  unplanned situations, and spontaneous events with no spe-
                  cific purpose.
                      But look at how the word  coincidence is used in
                  Darwinist-materialist circles,
                  and you’ll encounter some-
                  what different definitions.
                  Scientists who defend the
                  Darwinist-materialist philos-
                  ophy link to the word coincidence
                  meanings that should rightly be at-

                  tributed to Creation, such as con-
                  sciousness, rationality, knowledge, and
                  plan. They speak about coincidence
                  as though it were referring to a pow-
                  erful sentient being. Their purpose in
                  all this is to deny the reality that living
                  creatures have been created.
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