Page 18 - The Miracle Of Talking Birds
P. 18


                In the illustration above, a clock is gradually assembled in stages. In any of
                the intermediate phases, the clock cannot run. Only when every part is in the
                right place can it work properly. No one would claim that this clock’s parts
                had been shaped by natural effects and assembled into one piece over time.
                Yet the evolutionists claim that living creatures’ complex systems were
                formed in phases, by coincidental mechanisms. In blind defense of their the-
                ory, they claim that living creatures are products of coincidence—even
                though this assertion is untenable even in the case of a simple clock.

                     As we have pointed out, Darwinists see “coincidence” as the
                principle that has created all living creatures, their complex anatom-
                                                ical structures and genetic infor-
                                                mation. They believe that acts
                                                that in reality require forms of in-
                                                telligence—such as calculation,
                                                planning, design and judg-
                                                ment—are brought to a success-
                                                ful conclusion by coincidences.

                                                Defenders of this absurd under-
                                                standing attribute extraordinary
                                                roles and meanings to “coinci-
                                                dence.” According to them,
                                                the power that fashioned
                                                the brains, the minds,
                  Charles Darwin
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