Page 14 - The Miracle Of Talking Birds
P. 14


                                          R. C. Sproul, author of Not A Chance, ex-
                                     plains the unrealistic “scientific” meaning
                                     that coincidence has acquired in Darwinist cir-
                                     When scientists attribute instrumental pow-
                                     er to chance, they have left the domain of
                                     physics and resorted to magic. Chance is
                                     their magic wand to make not only rabbits
                                     but entire universes appear out of nothing. 1

                                         Overlooking the reality of creation de-
                                     spite immeasurable scientific proof, and con-
                                     tinuing to defend their ideology with great
                                     fanaticism, they do not realize how wrong
                                     they are. How far they have distanced them-
                                     selves from reason and logic! In his work La
                                     Science et la réalité (Science and Reality),

                French scientist and Professor Pierre Delbet has this to say about the
                fallacy of attributing creative power to coincidence:
                    Chance appears today as a law, the most general of all laws. It
                    has become for me a soft pillow like the one which in
                    Montaigne's words only ignorance and disinterest can provide,
                    but this is a scientific pillow. 2
                    In reality, the concept of “coincidence,” which Darwinists use
                as a scientific explanation for life’s origins expresses randomness,

                uncertainty, and lack of purpose. Therefore, to claim that a perfect
                system and a perfect balance are the product of these “blind coinci-
                dences” is incompatible with reason, logic and the scientific method.
                To suggest that an existing design is “without purpose,” or to try
                and explain a functioning system with “chance happenings” is plain

                                The Miracle of Talking Birds
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