Page 33 - Tell Me About the Creation
P. 33
1 Before a living example of it was caught, 2 Evolutionists had claimed
evolutionists believed that the coelacanth had that the fish had a primitive
organs which were half-fin and half-foot that lung. However, the organ 3 It was asserted
enabled it to creep on land. When the living that was supposed to be a that the brain
coelacanth was examined, it was understood primitive lung turned out to structure of the
that the fins of the fish had no such additional be a lipid pouch. coelacanth also
function. resembled that of
land animals.
However, it was
revealed that its
brain was no
different from
that of modern
to be nothing but a lipid pouch. 29 Furthermore, the coelacanth, which was introduced as "a
reptile candidate getting prepared to pass from sea to land", was in reality a fish that lived in the
depths of the oceans and always stayed more than 180 metres below the surface. 30
The reason why evolutionists imagine the coelacanth and
similar fish to be "ancestors of land animals" is that these fish
have bony fins. They suppose that these bones turned into
legs over time. However, there is a basic difference between
the bones of these fish and the legs of land-dwelling Bones are unattached to the
animals: vertebral column
The bones of fish are not attached to the spinal
column of the animal, as we see in the picture above.
In land-dwelling animals, however, bones are directly
fastened to the vertebral column, as we see in the
Bones are attached to
picture below. Therefore, the claim that these fins
the vertebral column
gradually turned into legs is completely groundless.
Coelacanth Misconception 31