Page 28 - Tell Me About the Creation
P. 28

The Cambrian Period

                                                             When we examine the earth strata, we

                                                             see that life on Earth appeared
                                                             suddenly. Many diverse living species
                                                             emerged abruptly and fully in the
                                                             Cambrian Period. This finding
                                                             is compelling evidence

                                                             for creation.
           A still extant
           example of the
           Period:                 he deepest stratum of earth that contains fossils of
           Nautilus                complex living things is the "Cambrian", which has
                           T an estimated age of 520 to 530 million years. The
                           fossils unearthed in Cambrian rocks belonged to complex
                           invertebrate species like snails, trilobites, sponges, worms,
                           jelly fish, starfish, crustaceans and sea lilies. Most
                           interestingly, all of these distinct species emerged all of a
                           sudden without any predecessor.
                           Richard Monastersky, the editor of Earth Sciences, which is one of the
                           popular journals of evolutionist literature, admits this fact that put
                           evolutionists into a quandary:
                              A half-billion years ago the remarkably complex forms of animals that we see today
                              suddenly appeared. This moment, right at the start of the earth's Cambrian Period, some
                              550 million years ago, marks the evolutionary explosion that filled the seas with the earth's
                              first complex creatures. The large animal phyla of today were present already in the early
                              Cambrian and they were as distinct from each other as they are today. 22
                           How these distinct living species with no common ancestors could have emerged is a
                           question that remains unanswered by evolutionists. The Oxford zoologist Richard
                             Dawkins, one of the foremost advocates of the evolutionary theory in the world, makes
                                   this confession:

                                                                           COMPLEX SYSTEMS
                                                                           Most of the life forms that
                                                                           emerged all of a sudden in the
                                                                           Cambrian Period had complex
                                                                           systems like eyes, gills,
                                                                           circulatory system, and
                                                                           advanced physiological
                                                                           structures no different from
                                                                           their modern counterparts.
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