Page 23 - Tell Me About the Creation
P. 23

                                                                                 The code in DNA determines the
                                                                                 physical traits of living things. If
                                                                                 a displacement or relocation
                                                                                 occurs in this code, because of
                                                                                 an external effect like radiation,
                                                                                 the organism  mutates.

                It is by no means possible for these protein structures to be produced by
                mutations, because mutations cannot add anything to a DNA chain.
                Not surprisingly, so far, not even a single mutation has been observed to
                develop the genetic information of any life form. Despite being an evolutionist
                himself, the Former President of the French Academy of Sciences, Pierre-Paul
                Grassé, made the following admission: "No matter how numerous they may
                be, mutations do not produce any kind of evolution." 18

                                                                                         THE MISTAKE OF DE VRIES
                                                                                         The Dutch botanist Hugh de Vries,
                                                                                         who discovered the mutation
                                                                                         mechanism, thought that he had
                                                                                         found an "evolutionary mechanism".
                                                                                         Experiments and observations over
                                                                                         the years, however, showed that
                                                                                         mutations are merely "distortion

           The disorder resulting
           in "Siamese twins" in
           humans is caused by
           mutations. These twin
                                    FRUIT FLY EXPERIMENTS
           frogs which were
                                    For decades, evolutionists carried out
           conjoined at birth give
                                    mutation experiments on fruit flies
           us an idea of the
                                    because they reproduce very rapidly
           results of mutation.
                                    and can be easily mutated. These
                                    creatures were mutated millions of
                                    times in all possible ways. However,  The head of a fruit fly  Result of mutation: Legs
                                    not even one beneficial mutation has  before it is mutated   jutting from the head
                                    been observed.
                                                                                                              Mutations  21
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