Page 27 - Tell Me About the Creation
P. 27

                                       The most important example of evolutionists' alleged intermediate forms is a fossil
                                       bird called Archaeopteryx. Focusing on the teeth and claws of Archaeopteryx,
                                       evolutionists allege that this creature is an intermediate form between reptiles
                                       and birds.
                                       However, an animal class may well possess features of another
                                       animal class, without this being an indication that it is a
                                       transitional form. For instance, the Australian platypus
                                       reproduces by laying eggs like reptiles despite being a
                                       mammal. Besides, it has a beak similar to a bird's.
                                       Scientists call organisms like platypus "mosaic
                                       forms". Leading evolutionists now also admit
                                       that mosaic forms cannot be considered as
                                       intermediate forms.

                The sudden origination of living beings on the Earth is proof that they were created by God.
                Evolutionist biologist Douglas Futuyma admits this fact:
                  Organisms either appeared on the earth fully developed or they did not. If they did not, they must
                  have developed from preexisting species by some process of modification. If they did appear in a
                  fully developed state, they must indeed have been created by some omnipotent intelligence. 21

           The fact that similar animals in different sizes
           have been found throughout the ages is not evidence for
           there being "intermediate forms". If the different deer
           and gazelle species we see in the picture had been
           available only as fossil forms, evolutionists might well
           have made an imaginary evolutionary scheme by
           arranging them in a line progressing from the smallest to
           the biggest. Yet, these animals are not intermediate forms,
           but individual living species.

                                                                   INTERMEDIATE FORMS MUST BE "HALF" ORGANISMS
                                                                     The intermediate forms evolutionists have to find are
                                                                        organisms that are in between two species and that have
                                                                         missing and half developed organs. For instance, if
                                                                         invertebrates like starfish had evolved into fish as
                                                                        evolutionists claim, many "half fish" and "half starfish"
                                                                        organisms ought to have lived. In the fossil record,
               IMAGINARY CREATURES                                     however, there are only perfect starfish and perfect fish.
               The imaginary transitional forms existing in the fantasy of
                          evolutionists ought to have missing and defective
                                organs. For instance, a creature in
                                      between birds and reptiles would
                                          have half wings and half
                                            avian lungs. However, no
                                              fossil of such a creature
                                              has yet been found, as it
                                              is not possible for such a
                                              "weird" creature as we
                                             see in the picture to
                                             survive. All fossils that are
                                             discovered belong to
                                             complete and perfectly
                                             designed creatures.
                                                                                               Impasse of Intermediate Forms  25
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