Page 31 - Tell Me About the Creation
P. 31


                                                                                  THE PROBLEM
                                                                            OF SCALE
                                                                       One of the important
                                                                  contradictions in the fanciful
                                                             evolutionary scheme stretching from fish to
                                                          reptiles is the skin formation of these organisms.
                                                           All fish have scales on their skin while
                                                            amphibians do not. Reptiles that have allegedly  Amphibian
                                                             evolved from amphibians also have scales.
                                                              If we suppose that there is an
                                                               evolutionary relationship between
                                                                these organisms, we also have to
                                                                 answer why scales, which exist in
                                                                  fish, disappeared in amphibians,               Fish
                                                                     and then re-appeared in reptiles.
             THE MIRACLE OF                                           Evolutionists, however, are unable to answer this
             METAMORPHOSIS                                             question.
             Frogs are first born in water,
             live there for a while, and
             then emerge on to land in a
             process known as
             "metamorphosis." Some people think                                             With metamorphosis,
             that metamorphosis is evidence of evolution,                                   frogs alter in form. At
             whereas, the two have actually nothing to do with                              the end of a perfect
             one another. The sole development mechanism                                    transformation, they
             proposed by evolution is mutation. Metamorphosis                               become adapted to live
             does not come about by coincidental effects                                    on land.
             as mutation does. On the contrary, this
             change results from the frogs' genetic
             code. In other words, it is already evident that when a frog is first
             born, it will have a type of body allowing it to live on land.
             The evolutionists' claim of passage from water to land says that fish,
             with a genetic code completely designed to allow them to live in
             water, turned into land creatures as a result of chance mutations.
             But for this reason, metamorphosis actually tears evolution down,
             rather than shoring it up. Because the slightest error in the process
             of metamorphosis means the creature will die or be deformed. It is
             essential that metamorphosis should happen perfectly. It is
             impossible for such a complex process, which allows no room for
             error, to have come about by chance mutations, as is claimed by
                  evolution. Metamorphosis is actually a miracle that reveals
                     the perfection in creation.

                                                                                                The frog
                                                                                           offspring hatching
                           The offspring that will emerge                             from its egg is a fish-like
                           from the fertilized frog eggs will                    organism designed to live in
                           be plentiful enough to cover a                  water prior to metamorphosis. It takes
                           lake or a flowing river.                      in oxygen through gills just as fish do.
                                                                         Frogs at this stage are called "tadpoles".

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