Page 21 - Tell Me About the Creation
P. 21
Dark and light
coloured moths
already existed
both before and
after the
revolution. A
new moth
species did not
Evolutionists commonly quote the "Moths of the the light-coloured moths became the most hunted and
Industrial Revolution" in 18th century England as an the number of dark-coloured moths increased.
"observed example of evolution through natural This is not an example of "evolution", because natural
selection". According to the account, around the outset selection did not give rise to a species that did not
of the Industrial Revolution in England, the colour of exist in nature earlier. Dark-coloured moths were
the tree barks around Manchester was quite light. Since already extant before the industrial revolution. Here,
dark-coloured moths resting on we see the moths collected by
those trees could readily be a moth collector before and
noticed, they fell easy prey to after the industrial revolution.
the birds and therefore, were There is only a shift in the
rare. Yet when the barks of the number of existing moth
trees darkened as a result of BEFORE THE REVOLUTION AFTER THE REVOLUTION species. Moths did not acquire
pollution caused by the a new organ or feature to lead
Moth collection showing that both dark-
industrial revolution, this time to a "change in their species".
coloured and light-coloured moths lived in the
region before the industrial revolution.
will survive. Yet certainly, this mechanism would not
cause deer to evolve – it would not transform them into
another living species, for instance, elephants.
There is not a single shred of observational evidence
showing that natural selection has ever caused any living
thing to evolve. A noted evolutionist, British
paleontologist Colin Patterson confesses this fact:
No one has ever produced a species by mechanisms of natural
selection. No one has ever got near it and most of the current Darwin's theory of evolution by means
argument in neo-Darwinism is about this question. 17 of natural selection rested on the
supposition that all living things fight a
fierce struggle for survival.
Observations however
showed that animal
communities display
great examples of self-
sacrifice and
cooperation. The wild
oxen that line up in a
circle to protect their
young are only one of
the numerous instances
of self-sacrifice in nature.