Page 17 - Tell Me About the Creation
P. 17

                                     The human hand has a
                                      perfect design that
                                       gives us ideal
                                        movement ability.
                                         Each one of the
                                          27 small bones
                                           making up the
                                           hand is
                                            positioned properly with a certain
                                            engineering calculation. The muscles that
                                            help us to move our fingers are located in our
                                 lower arms so as not to make our hands clumsy. These
                                 muscles are connected by strong tendons to three small
                                 bones in our fingers. Moreover, there is a special bracelet-
                                 like tissue in our wrists that fastens all these tendons.
                                 The hand has such a perfect design that no "robot hand"
                                  produced by modern technology has been able to imitate
                                  the abilities of the hand.

                  would require thousands and thousands of lucky, appropriate events.
                  Thus, miracles would become the rule: events with an infinitesimal
                  probability could not fail to occur… There is no law against
                           daydreaming, but science must not indulge in it. 12
                              Grassé summarises what the concept of "coincidence" means for evolutionists:
                                "...Chance becomes a sort of providence, which, under the cover of atheism, is
                                 not named but which is secretly worshipped." 13
                                 This is the type of superstition that underlies
                                     Darwinism.                                                   BONE AND THE
                                                                                                   EIFFEL TOWER
                                                                                                    Examples of design in
                                                                                                     nature often become a
                                                                                                      source of inspiration
                                                                                                       for technological
                                                                                                     designs. An example
                                                                                                    is the spongy
                 A PERFECT HUNTER: THE VENUS' FLYTRAP                                              structure of the human
                A carnivorous plant, the Venus' Flytrap, is a perfect                              bone furnished with
                hunter that swiftly catches the flies landing on it. It is                         small tendons, which
                impossible for this trap system working with electric                              inspired the famous
                signals to be the work of coincidence or a gradual                                    Eiffel Tower in
                developmental process. The perfect design of the                                      Paris. This structure
                Venus' flytrap is one of the numerous signs of creation.                              is responsible for
                                                                                                      the strength,
                                                                                                      elasticity, and
                                                                                                      lightness of bones.
                                                                                                      The same properties
                                                                                                      also exist in the
                                                                                                      Eiffel Tower, though
                                                The prey, lured by                                    not as effectively as
                                                the fake fish, draws                                  in bones.
                                                near and suddenly
                                                falls a victim to it.
                                                                                                      The Design in Nature  15
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