Page 12 - Tell Me About the Creation
P. 12
The Design in the Cell
All living things are made up of cells. Even a
single cell is self-sufficient; it can produce its
own food, move, and communicate with
other cells. With its extraordinary
technology, the cell is concrete evidence that
life cannot originate by chance.
he cell, even a single protein of
which cannot form by chance, is a
T wonder of design that renders the
"chance" hypothesis of evolution completely
meaningless. In the cell, there are power stations,
complex factories, a huge data bank, storage systems,
A brain cell is in constant interaction with
and advanced refineries. others numbering up to 10,000. This
In Darwin's time, nothing was known about the communication network is far more complex
than all the switchboards in the world.
extraordinary structure of the cell. Under the primitive
microscopes of the day, the cell seemed to be a murky
lump. For this reason, both Darwin and other evolutionists of his time believed that a cell was a
simple driblet of water that could easily originate by chance. The idea that life could be
In addition to human and animal
cells, the plant cell, too, is a
miracle of creation. The plant cell
carries out a process that no
laboratory is able to perform
Chloroplast today: "photosynthesis." An
organelle called "chloroplast" in
the plant cell enables plants to
produce starch by using water,
carbon dioxide, and sunlight.
This substance is the first link of
the food chain on the Earth and
the food source of all living
things. The details of this highly
complex process are still
unknown today.
10 Tell Me About the Creation