Page 14 - Tell Me About the Creation
P. 14

Genetic Information

                                                   Did you know that the nucleus of each of the
                                                   trillions of cells making up the human body

                                                   includes a data bank big enough to fill a 900-
                                                   volume encyclopaedia?

                               NA is a huge molecule hidden in the nucleus of every living cell. All physical traits of
                               a creature are coded in this helical molecule. All the information about our bodies,
                     D from the colour of our eyes to the structure of our internal organs and the form and
                     functions of our cells, are encoded in sections called genes in DNA.
                     The DNA code is made up of the sequence of four different bases.
                     If we think of each of these bases as a letter, DNA can be likened to
                     a databank made up of an alphabet of four letters.  All the
                     information about a living thing is stored in this databank.
                     If we attempted to write down the information in DNA, this would
                     take up approximately a million pages. This is equal to an
                     encyclopaedia forty times bigger than The Encyclopaedia Britannica,
                     which is one of mankind's greatest accumulations of information.
                     This incredible information is stored in the tiny nucleus of our cells
                                                                                                    The structure of DNA was
                     measuring about a thousandth of a millimeter in size.
                                                                                                   discovered by two scientists
                     It is calculated that a DNA chain small enough to fill a teaspoon has
                                                                                                named Francis Crick and James
                     the capacity to store all the information contained in all the books            Watson. Despite being an
                     ever written.                                                            evolutionist, Crick said that DNA
                                                                                                 could never have emerged by
                     Of course, such an amazing structure could never have been formed by
                     chance and this proves that life is created by God. Not surprisingly,
                     evolutionists are unable to bring any explanation to the origin of DNA.

                     REPLICATION MIRACLE
                     If you leave a bacterium in a suitable
                         environment, in a few hours you will see
                           that it has produced hundreds of                                    DNA includes not only
                             copies of similar bacteria. Every                                 the plan of cells, but
                               living cell has the ability to                                  also the complete
                                 "copy itself".                                                body plan of
                                  Until the discovery of DNA,                                  living things. The
                                   how this miraculous process                                 structure of our
                                   took place was unknown.                                     internal organs,
                                  With the discovery of DNA, it                                or the shape of a
                                was revealed that every living                                bird's wings, in short,
                     cell has a "data bank" that stores all the                              everything is encoded in
                     information about itself. This discovery                              DNA down to its smallest
                     displayed the wonder of creation.                                     details.

         12 Tell Me About the Creation
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